
Samstag, 4. August 2012

A Sign of Life

Do you remember almost a month ago when I wrote a post saying that I was going on a holiday to France but that I would be back in two weeks? Yeah, that's what I thought back then. The reason why you haven't heard anything from me since is that despite all probabilities I'm not back at home yet. As I'm writing this I'm sitting at the Cretan airport waiting for my flight home: my mama surprised me and my brothers with a holiday at the beach the very day after I came back from France. Isn't my life stressful?!

This is basically a don't-worry-I'm-still-alive-and-having-a-good-time-post, but unless another unexpected trip pops up I should be back to blogging regularly tomorrow. And good God, I'm swooning at the thought of how I'll ever be able to catch up with all your great posts! 
Don't get me wrong, the last three weeks were amazing, especially my time in France was incredible (perhaps I'll write a little post about it another time?), but I will be quite happy when I'm comfortably at home again. I have missed reading your thoughts on books and life more than I would have thought possible and I have a vast number of posts in my mind which will hopefully all be written soon. Don't be annoyed if I'm a little over-active in August, I have to make up for my involuntary blogging break in July!

Anyway, my reading has not been as scarce as my reviewing, in fact I have a whole bunch of reviews yet to write. In France I read Elizabeth Gaskell's North and South, which surprised me completely by how much I loved it (I'm giving up, Diana. Never again will I doubt the awesomeness of a book you recommend!).

Then I finished An Ideal Husband, which I found good, of course, but not outstanding. Perhaps I've read a little too much Wilde recently? I'm getting very used to his humour. 
In contrast to it I picked up Wuthering Heights - you see I stayed faithful to the Victorians for Allie's Victorian Celebration, although unfortunately I did not manage to write my reviews in time for it. In my opinion the event could have lasted some more weeks, the Victorians and I are becoming the best of friends!

In August I hope to catch up with the Les Misérables readalong which I have once again shamefully neglected as well as participate in Alice's The Moonstone readalong; that is if she still lets me.
I have also promised to read a book by Jane Austen (and if you know me, you'll know what that means for me) but more about that in another post.

Lastly (quickly, because my flight was just announced) and completely unrelatedly I want to thank you all for the nice comments on my last post. I was really overwhelmed by all your lovely wishes for my trip. I couldn't answer them then, but now I do: thank you very much, I feel honoured to belong to such an amazing blogging community. 
So, time to go home!

10 Kommentare:

  1. A surprise holiday? Fantastic!
    What did you think of Wuthering Heights? I like it but it's my least favourite from the Bronte books I've read so far.

    1. Yes, my mama is very spontaneous... Good for me :D

      I think Wuthering Heights is truly unique and I liked it a lot, but in comparison with Jane Eyre for example I could not say it's my favourite. It is beautiful, but I don't think I will re-read it in near future.

  2. So weird - just yesterday, I was looking through my Google Reader and I looked for you and thought it was odd you weren't back yet! Glad you've had a great time :D

  3. How fun! I've had a traveling month too and just got back from a week in Utah. Maybe not so glamorous as France...but a great trip. Now, back to reading...

    1. Ha, someone else who "wasted" the whole month ;)
      I'd love to go to Utah! Or anywhere in the US for that matter...

  4. Oh wow, a bonus holiday! Glad to hear you've had such a good time and enjoyed so much reading. North and South is a favorite of mine as well. Enjoy the August reads!

    1. Who would have thought that having separated parents had any advantages? Two holidays, two birthday presents...

      N&S is so awesome! :)

  5. Can't wait to read your review for North & South!

    1. Oh it was so great! The problem is that I'm always a little hesitant to write about a book I really loved: I'm always afraid I won't do it justice!
