
Donnerstag, 17. Mai 2012


On the floor next to me is a half-packed suitcase filled with suncreme, swimsuits and my Italian textbook.
I myself am filled with excitement, because despite the fact that it's just a short trip and I will be back Sunday evening, I will still be on the road again and travelling always amazes me.
My mama, my little brother and I are spending the long weekend in Grado, Italy, to take a short break from our lives which have been more than busy recently. Grado is a little town situated on a peninsula of the Adriatic Sea and famous for its beautiful historic centre. It's in the north-east of Italy and only about three hours' drive away from here which is a reason to worry because the weather here is not too fine at the moment. Hopefully it will be better once we're there! Anyway, even if we probably won't get to swim much it will still be fabulous to relax on the beach and enjoy the Mediterranean lifestyle.

For my packing (of which a great part still has to be done I'm afraid): I am taking E.M. Forster's A Room with a View with me, because what could be more appropriate than reading the story of a girl touring Italy while you're in Italy? It's my first Forster and I have great expectations, so I hope I won't be disappointed.
Another book I'm bringing I will be basically taking home, for it is The Divine Comedy, Italy's most successful work of literature ever. Contratry to A Room with a View I have already started Dante's magnum opus, in fact I am almost through with Inferno, and it has sparked a desire in me to improve my very, very poor Italian in order to be able to read the original. I am usually not a great fan of poetry, but Dante's language has something to it that makes me turn pages as anxiously as if I were reading a cheap romance. 
Nonetheless, reading about a travel through hell in the sun on the beach surrounded by happy tourists will be an experience all of its own and so I am not sure how much I truly will progress with this one.

I wanted to take Les Misérables with me since I completely neglected it after my disappointment with it in April, but then I decided that it was decidedly too heavy to be carried in my handbag. Instead I have chosen a book which definitely belongs to the "guilty pleasure" category: it's Blood of the Fold by Terry Goodkind and part of his Sword of Truth series. As you may have guessed from the title it is high fantasy, and a very good example of that too. I think after travelling through medieval poetry about the underworld and Forster's social critisism I can afford to delve into a novel full of swordfights, epic magic and forbidden romance.

My open suitcase is starting to alarm me, so I am going to finish packing now. I'll be back Sunday afternoon, hopefully with lots of beautiful memories. How about you? Any holiday plans coming up? Did you read A Room with a View or The Divine Comedy? If yes, did you like it? 
I am wishing you all a nice weekend, whether you're staying a home or not!

4 Kommentare:

  1. Ooh, lucky you! Have a great time.

    I do enjoy Forster's books and Room With A View is my favorite. I have read Dante but only once and probably not with much comprehension! It's times like that I wish I understood more languages--to read Dante in the original would be amazing. I did enjoy it though--as a librarian I like a nice orderly tour of the universe. ;)

    I am looking forward to an amazing weekend, because there is a solar eclipse! It would be a total eclipse if the moon didn't happen to be at its farthest point, so there will be a thin ring of sun around the edge. We are having an eclipse party at the park, with special sunglasses for everyone.

    1. How amazing! I hope you enjoyed it! This is really special, I think we haven't had a solar eclipse in years.

      Oh, by the way, Dante finally found his fame, he is Italy's superstar: there are no less than a Piazza Dante Alighieri, a Via Dante Alighieri and a Viale Dante in Grado! :)

  2. How fun, I hope you're having a wonderful time! I had the same response regarding Italian when reading Dante. (And my copy has Italian on one page and an English translation opposite, so I was extra-inspired.) I haven't read A Room with a View, but I did read several books set in Italy when I was there and shortly thereafter. Enjoy!

    1. Thank you :)
      Ah, I was so tempted to buy an Italian edition in Grado, but it cost 30€ and I wouldn't have understood a word, so I gave in to reason. But I officially resolve to study more for my Italian class from now on!
