
Samstag, 11. Februar 2012

Drum roll, please: My Readathon!

So here it is, after long days of anxious waiting: I finally and officially announce my Readathon!
Okay, I know, term is only over here in Austria, which is a tiny and relatively insignificant country, but February 18 is the first day of my holidays and I feel like clebrating that (besides, I needed a fancy name for my first Readathon).

Please participate even if you aren't in school or university anymore; for everyone who can't acclaim a break: it's still a weekend, and that's always reason to celebrate!

The Readathon runs all Saturday and Sunday, it ends at midnight on February 19. I'm sure we'll have a fantastic time reading as much as humanly possible, but do not hesitate to take part even if you can only join us on one of the two days, see it as a casual Readathon.

Finally, please leave a comment with the link to your sign up post if you want to participate (I'm looking forward to lots of comments!), spread word and feel free to grab my lovely badge (which was a lot of work even if it isn't visible...).
Let's have a great weekend in the written world!

19 Kommentare:

  1. I'll sign up! Not that I'll get much read because weekends are a bit busy around here, but I've always wanted to do a readathon, so why not?

    1. Thank you Jean! I totally understand your weekend stress, it's the same here usually, but this certain weekend the whole family is on a weekend trip and I'm alone at home.
      It's perfect :)

  2. I'm up for it! 18th might be tricky: I think I might be going out in the evening (it's an anniversary, and a horrible anniversary at that), but if my head's vaguely together I can join in a little on the 18th. And the 19th should be fine. I certainly won't be drinking on 18th, so I won't be hungover or anything! I really want to join in with this.

    1. Just participate whenever you have time :)
      I'm sorry that today is such a bad day for you, I hope you are okay!
      Anyway, Thank you so much for joining, I knew I could count on you ;)

  3. Here's my post:

  4. I haven't written a sign-up post yet, but I will definitely be joining in -- even if I have a couple of distracting family obligations over the weekend. :)

    1. Haha, that's why I've sent my family away over the weekend :D They go skiing and I'm all alone at home!
      Thank you for joining me!

  5. I haven't written a sign-up post, but anyway, I already commented on one of your blog posts that I would be participating. I'm really looking forward to it. See you on 18th!

    1. Great, Thank you! Perhaps you could just leave comments with your progress if you don't have a blog? I know, I'm awfully curious :)

  6. I'm considering. I usually don't know how busy things are until I get to the weekend, so if things are looking good, I'll jump right in!

    1. Do so! Just treat it as a very casual thing, I would be very happy if you had time to join us a little :)

  7. Hi Cassandra! Congrats on the holiday. :) I'll join you. My start-up post is here, but it won't go live until 8a EST on Saturday. Cheers and thanks for hosting! :)

    1. Thank you for taking part! I am really looking forward to your thoughts, so try to read as much as possible, okay? :)

  8. Hooray! Hooray! It's nearly the day! Here's my post:

    1. Yippie! Thank you for joining Melanie! I hope you'll have a lot of fun! :)

  9. I thought I had left a comment with a link to my post, but I guess not. So, here it is:

    Can't wait for this to start!

  10. Cassandra:

    It sounds like a great excuse to catch up with my readings. I can't wait to start. My link to my posts is

  11. I wish I had heard about it earlier! Sigh, I have been away from the blogging community for a (long) while and I didn't check out my blog feed until an hour ago. I'm sorry I missed this readathon, you can definitely count me in for the next one you host :)
    Happy Holidays! I'm jealous, but oh well. I hope you have an awesome time :D

    1. I am sorry too! It would have been fantastic if you had joined us!
      But at least you deliver me an excuse to plan another Readathon since this one was indeed great fun :D
      Thank you and I hope to see some new posts from you soon again.
